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District response to Birmingham City Council's bankruptcy

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Dear Friends,

As we hear the devastating news from Birmingham City Council declaring bankruptcy today, I wanted to assure the members of our Methodist Churches in the Birmingham Circuit of the Districts continued care and support towards the churches who continue to live out the gospel of Christ's love in this great city.

The Methodist Church, Birmingham District, has been committed to serve each of the Circuits within our District, so that the local church can respond, with prayer and practical, loving action to those in our neighbourhoods.

The focus of last year's District Re:Plant Conference was the Church At the Margins – emphasising the church's commitment to working with people at the economic margins of society. Two of the workshops on that day focussed on Life on the Breadline from Church Action on Poverty, and the Food Pantry Workshop with Revd Karen Webber.

Methodist Conference 2023, received the excellent Justice-Seeking: "Walking With Micah" report Conference 2023 Agenda Volume 1 ( – that encourages us to prioritize our care for the most vulnerable.

This news of Birmingham City Council Section 114 Notice, declaring the city bankruptcy will have a serious impact upon those most least able to withstand social spending cut-backs. However, we will respond with loving action, care and compassion to those we seek to serve – as followers of Jesus Christ who never turned away anyone who came to him in need.

Jesus received the meagre five loaves and two fish offered by the child, blessed them, broke them and gave them to feed thousands. Jesus noticed the widow who put her last two coins into the collection and commented that she had given more than all the others who had given thousands. We may only have a small amount to give of our time, energy, buildings' space, and talents – but whatever we give will be blessed and shared with those we meet who are in need.

We hold the officers of the Birmingham City Council in our prayers, that they may be guided by the Spirit of truth, mercy and justice as they seek wisdom to guide the city through the difficult months and years ahead. Our trust in God emboldens us to believe that God will accompany us through these turbulent times.

Revd Novette Headley
Chair – Birmingham Methodist District

© 2025 – Birmingham (West) & Oldbury Circuit