Stefan Smart’s inspired and inspiring presentation, I am Mark, held a congregation of Birmingham (West) & Oldbury Methodists on the edge of their seats at their circuit service in November. This imaginative and sensitive performance of Mark’s Gospel, aided only by occasional music and a chair, brought home in a vibrant and exciting manner Mark’s compelling version of the Jesus story.
In an entirely natural and believable, though sometimes startling and challenging way, we experienced the reactions of those first hearers and readers who were confronted by something new in the old, old story in Jesus’s picture of God and what it meant and means to react to that. Though perhaps everyone present had heard all the element of Mark’s account many times before, this was likely to have been the first time we had been presented with the entire narrative at one go, which added a new dimension to a series of familiar episodes.
Stefan’s carefully nuanced, but entirely sincere and believable interpretation of Mark’s breakneck-speed drama, comforted, surprised and challenged us as it was designed to confront his first readers.
This was a not-to-be-forgotten experience, entertaining, thought-provoking and most certainly worship, which will remain long in this congregation’s collective memory. For this, we owe Stefan Smart an enormous debt of gratitude.
Michael Hall